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Lung Cancer - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. Welcome back. In this lesson, we'll be talking about different kinds of lung cancer that can be visualized in sectional imaging. The first kind that we'll be talking about is what we call pulmonary metastasis. Pulmonary metastasis is what it sounds like. It's cancer in the lungs, but it's cancer that is in the lungs that originated from outside of the lungs. And this is true of all metastatic cancer It's cancer in a tissue that actually came from somewhere else in the body first. So what does pulmonary metastasis look like? It's visualized as multiple enhancing tumors throughout the lungs. So just like other metastatic cancer usually pulmonary metastasis will appear as multiples. We'll see several tumors inside of the lungs. This isn't always true, but it's often true. Notice, we're saying that this is visualized as enhancing tumors. What we're talking about there is contrast enhancement in CT. CT is the preferred imaging modality for pulmonary metastasis and most