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CT Thoracic (Axial) - Video Lesson

Hey, welcome back. This sectional anatomy tutorial is about the thoracic spine. We'll be looking at the thoracic spine in a CT scan in the axial view. If you understand what the spine looks like and what a traditional vertebrae looks like, these images should make a lot of sense to you. On the anterior portion of the thoracic vertebrae, we clearly see the vertebral body posterior to the vertebral body. We can see the two bony projections that are the pedicles. And then we can see the posterior arch of the vertebral foramen being formed by the lamina. And these are true features of just about every vertebrae in the spinal column. Something else that we can see here that helps us to identify this as a thoracic vertebrae as opposed to something else are the ribs. If there is a rib articulating with the vertebrae, then it definitely is a thoracic vertebrae. The ribs articulate with a thoracic vertebrae at two points. The first point