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CT Cervical (Sagittal) - Video Lesson

In this sectional anatomy lesson, we'll be looking at the cervical spine from the sagittal view. This first view of the cervical spine in the sagittal projection is on the most lateral edge of the neck. And at this point, we don't see much of the cervical spine except for these bony processes here. The way that we know what those are is just to imagine what the cervical spine looks like. The most lateral bony projections are the transverse processes of the vertebral body. Something else we can see here is clearly the transition from the cervical spine to the thoracic spine. And the way that we can identify that transition is by the appearance of ribs. If a vertebral body has a rib or calculating with it, then it must be the thoracic spine. If it's above the level of the ribs, then it must be the cervical spine. Something else that we can see here is the bony articulation between the occipital bone and the mass of c one. This