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CT Brain (Axial) - Video Lesson

In this sectional anatomy tutorial, we'll be looking at a CT scan of the brain. The anatomy of the brain can sometimes seem simple, but in other ways it's very complex. This first slice of the brain is at the most superior portion of the cranial cavity. There's a few anatomical features that we'll notice First, we can clearly see the left and right parietal lobes of the brain. The parietal lobes are the center lobes of the brain but they're also the uppermost lobes of the brain. And so we can see the parietal lobe on the right here. And the other parietal lobe on the left here separating the parietal lobes is a fissure of the brain that we call the longitudinal fissure. And so this entire fissure is called the longitudinal fissure. And inside of the longitudinal fissure, is a fold of the dura mater that we call the false cerebri. The false cerebri is the bright white line that we can see inside