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Apothecaries' System - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. Welcome back. This lesson discusses the apothecary system, a historical method of measurement that still has implications in modern medicine. We'll explore its abbreviations, common equivalents, and the scenarios where it's applied, as well as delve into the Roman numerals that form its foundation. Understanding this system is crucial for certain areas of pharmaceutical practice. The apothecary system was the standard of measurement for the practice of pharmacy into the twentieth century. It was officially replaced by the metric system in nineteen seventy one, but you may still encounter the apothecary system when reading prescriptions, so it is important to have a basic understanding of its abbreviations and measurements. In the apothecary system, you'll encounter several abbreviations that were traditionally used to quantify ingredients for prescriptions. G r stands for grain. G r represents dram and can also be written with this symbol.