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Spleen Pathologies - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. This lesson is about pathologies of the spleen. Here's an overview of the two main pathologies that we'll be looking at. The spleen, like other hard organs of the abdomen, can experience laceration, also called fracture, and the spleen is also a common site for lymphoma. We'll start by talking about laceration. So what is spleen laceration? Spleen laceration like other forms of laceration is simply a tear or fracture through the spleen tissue. This is almost always the result of trauma. So a spleen laceration when we see it in sectional imaging, appears as abnormal contrast enhancement following trauma. Here's a few examples of what spleen laceration can look like. In the left image, you can see the spleen in the left upper quadrant. Normally, during this phase of contrast enhancement, the spleen would have a homogeneous appearance. But in this case, the spleen does not have a homogeneous appearance. At this stage, you can see that