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How Much Scatter Radiation Comes From an AP Chest? - Video Lesson

So now I wanna tell you about this great experiment that we did, which was to show how much scatter comes out of a patient when you do an AP chest. And in what direction does it go. So you can see the setup here that we had. I did it for with a couple of students of mine when I first, came up with this one. And the the fandoms here looking like a patient. And then over here, we have our hand fandoms in front of a Agfa cassette. And then over here, we have the ion chamber set up. So we did it in three different directions. The first one is at ninety degrees. And we also did it with two different kind of techniques. We did it on the one here where you can see there's a grid And then over here, it's just a gridless or, you know, you can't call it screen anymore. So it's just a non gridded technique. And then the ion chamber