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CT Adrenals - Video Lesson

Welcome back. This lesson is on CT imaging of the adrenal glands. The number one reason for performing a multi phase scan of the adrenal glands is for adrenal tumors. There's various types of adrenal tumors, and the objective of this scan is to differentiate between benign adrenal tumors and adrenal cancer. Sometimes we'll scan a patient knowing they have an adrenal tumor, but there's going to be other times where they have something going on clinically that makes us think they might have an adrenal tumor. For example, one common indication for scan is hormonal changes. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing the male hormones, which is the androgens, as well as the female hormones, which is the estrogens. If any of these hormonal levels are not correct, it's very possible that patient has an adrenal mask, and therefore, we would evaluate and characterize the patient's adrenal glands using the CT adrenal protocol. The three images on the lower portion of the screen is an example of the CT

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