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CT Facial Bones (Coronal) - Video Lesson

This sectional anatomy lesson is on CT facial bones. CT facial bones almost always includes axial views, and coronal views. And so this lesson is about the coronal view of the face. This first slice is at the far anterior side of the face. And so immediately we'll notice the large frontal bone on the superior portion of the face inside of the frontal bone in this image. We're just beginning to see the frontal sinuses. We can also see the nasal bones. And inside of the nasal bone, we can see the nasal septum. We can also see the upper teeth, which are a part of the maxillary bone, and we can see the lower teeth, which are a part of the mandible. As we go deeper into face, there's some other structures that we begin to see. At this point, we can actually see the ethmoid air cells part of the ethmoid sinus in between the orbits. We can also begin to see the maxillary sinus

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