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Movement of the Diaphragm, Inspiration vs. Expiration - Video Lesson

This is just a real quick little lesson on how much does your diaphragm move when you have a full inspiration versus an full expiration. So this image here has on the on the Buckey itself, while I'm a detector. Had, these markers. And so they're marked, they're little beaming markers that we would use for ribs when we're just marking somebody's pain on a rib and they're put at exactly one inch. So you can see with full inspiration here that the diaphragm is exactly in between the last two babies. When we go to the middle breath, and that's what I would call like somebody just taking in a small little breath and holding it, that's the middle breath. You can see that, you know, was there, it's gone to there, and it's almost at that BB. So it's almost moved an inch and a half, not quite but