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ASIS, The Universal Landmark - Video Lesson

So now I wanna talk about the ASIS. And the ASIS is this great universal landmark. Instead of using the synthesis pubis, when you have to go and you're doing some kind of an abdomen, or pelvis or something like that instead of actually feeling that bone, and then you're trying to use a greater trochanter, and that's not really working for you. And you're thinking, man, I wish there was another way. There is another way, and it's the ASIS. And it turns out to be that the bottom of the ASIS. So you know how it's kind of a nice little bump, and the bottom, meaning the part lower to the, you know, feet is almost exactly three inches above the highest point of the synthesis. And that the bottom of the ASIS is also three inches below the top of the crest. So it looks like this. You have