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kVp Reproducibility and Linearity - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. Welcome back. In this video about quality control, we're talking about three separate issues, KVP calibration, exposure reproducibility, and exposure linearity. Let's start by talking about KVP. Here's the tolerance allowed for KVP calibration. The actual KVP must be within plus or minus five percent of the assigned KVP. So like many of our other exposure factors, It's not always going to be exact, but it does need to be close. And the generally accepted limit on KVP is five percent. You've seen this kind of math before, so let's jump right into a practice question. How much two potential variants is allowed? When the assigned technique for an exposure is eighty five KVP. Take a minute to try to answer this question on your own. So here's how the math works. We'll start with our assigned KVP. The assigned KVP is eighty five. Then we need to multiply that by zero point zero