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Avoiding Common HIPAA Violations - Video Lesson

In this lesson, we'll be talking about the top ten most common HIPAA violations. Thank you to Jim Johnson from live compliance who originally assembled this information. So what are the most common HIPAA violations? Here's violation number one. That's unsecured records. All protected health information must be kept in occurred locations at all times. And so this means physical files should be locked away in a desk or filing cabinet or office This also means that digital files like the EMR should require secure passwords to access them. Another potential HIPAA violation, which is closely related to this, is unencrypted data. Although it's not a strict requirement of HIPAA, it is highly recommended. Encryption is basically a digital process that hides healthcare information underneath of a digital code. This simply makes protected health care information more difficult to access. This is especially important as it relates to HIPAA violation number three.

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