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Abdomen Anatomy and Pathology - Video Lesson

I'm doctor John Rothplets. In this lesson, we'll talk about anatomy of the abdomen as seen on abdomen x-ray. To start, let's review the basic anatomic structures of the abdomen. The liver is the large organ along the upper right side of the abdomen, the green structure superimposed upon the liver represents the gallbladder. In the upper left, we see the stomach The yellow organ depicted transversely across the upper abdomen represents the pancreas. The spleen and kidneys are not represented on this image but they will be seen on a radiograph later in this lesson. You may recall that the small intestine is divided into segments referred to as the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ilium, and the large intestine is depicted along both sides of the abdomen and extending transversely across the mid abdomen. The abdomen and pelvis can generally be divided into four quadrants for the purpose of describing patient symptoms and x-ray findings, but the distinction between the quadrant

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