CT Contrast: Venipuncture - Video Lesson
Hey, everybody. Welcome back. In this video about CT contrast, we're talking about the topic of Venus puncture, also known as intravenous cannulation or for not going to be so sophisticated. We're just talking about starting IVs for contrast injection. When we start IVs for contrast inject there's three major areas that need to be considered site selection, aseptic technique, and documentation. So what is the best place to start an IV? The most common place to start a CT IV is in the area of the antecubital fauca And one of those large veins is what we call the cephalic vein. The cephalic vein is on the outside portion of the patient's elbow. On the other side of this AC space is what we call the basilic vein. Both of these veins are very large, easily accessed, and allow for an increased flow rates. Distal to these two large veins is a vein called the median cubital vein. This is all
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