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Code of Ethics - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. Welcome back. This lesson discusses a cornerstone of the health care industry. Ethics. At its core ethics refers to the moral principles that govern a person's behavior. Ethics is the professional foundation that distinguishes between what is right and what is wrong? Think of ethics as an inner compass guiding individuals toward the right decisions and actions in various situations. Understanding ethics is crucial because in health care, we're dealing with the lives, emotions, and the well-being of individuals. Proper ethical decisions ensure that we respect and value each patient. Let's look at a scenario where a health care worker is faced with an ethical dilemma and must make decisions that are in the patient's best interests. Doctor Sanchez is a pediatrician who is meeting with the Allen family for a regular checkup of their fourteen year old daughter, Emily. During the individual session with Emily, she confides in doctor Sanchez that she has recently started