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IV Contrast - Patient Prep - Video Lesson

Hey, everybody. Welcome back. In this video about contrast, we're talking about patient preparation. When preparing a patient for intravenous contrast, there's basically three things that need to be considered. First, there are dietary restrictions that might apply. We also need to consider renal function evaluations And then thirdly, we also need to consider allergy premedication. Let's start by talking about diet restrictions. The patient receiving intravenous contrast should be pre hydrated for one day. The importance of increasing fluid intake is because this reduces the burden on the kidneys when it's time to filter out the contrast. Immediately prior, the patient should be NPO. That's nothing by mouth for about one hour. And here's why nausea and vomiting can be gray be minimized when the patient has nothing to eat. A common side effect of receiving intravenous contrast is nausea and potential vomiting especially if the patient has a full stomach