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Quantitative Analysis - Video Lesson

Welcome back. This lesson is about quantitative analysis in computed tomography. Most CT images are analyzed visually, but Some procedures require more than just a visual inspection. And so that's where quantitative analysis comes in. Here's a few examples. A CT image may indicate that there's an aneurysm. You can see the aneurysm, but the process of quantitative analysis puts a number on that. It'll tell us the exact size of the aneurysm. A CT image may indicate calcification in the coronary arteries, but the process quantitative analysis will actually indicate the exact amounts of calcification. And finally, one more example, CT images may indicate to us that we have a patient with osteoporosis, but the process of quantitative analysis will indicate the specific amount of bone demineralization. So quantitative analysis is exactly what it sounds like. We're taking a pathological condition and quantifying it.

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